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Tag: hiring

DOB Redaction For Background Checks

DOB Redaction: A Double-Edged Sword for Privacy and Background Checks

By: Raymond A. Alvarado In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards redacting dates of birth (DOB) from public records, including criminal records. This shift is largely driven by privacy concerns and a desire to protect individuals from identity theft and other forms of misuse of personal information. While this move is intended…
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Healthcare staffing process transformation

Transform Your Healthcare Staffing Process

By: Raymond A. Alvarado Our team recently attended TravCon, the leading conference for traveling healthcare professionals. A recurring theme among attendees was the need to streamline the background check process. Many expressed frustrations with traditional methods, citing their slowness, high cost, and unreliability. These issues can lead to delays in hiring, increased expenses, and potential…
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